À propos de Littératie braille Canada
Adam Wilton - Directeur

Adam has served visually impaired learners in the K-12 education system for the past 15 years in several roles, across several settings.
It is as a teacher of students with visual impairments (TSVI) and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) that he most strongly identifies. Prior to this role, he worked as an itinerant education in several school districts in British Columbia. He considers the privilege of learning and growing with students with visual impairments to be what defines him as a professional and those experiences continue to guide him in his work as an administrator. He is currently the program manager of the Provincial Resource Centre for the Visually Impaired (PRCVI), based in Vancouver, BC. In this role he leads a dedicated team of educators, braille transcribers, library staff, and other alternate format specialists in providing educational resource and outreach support to TSVIs across the province.
In terms of other service roles, he currently serves as the Deputy Chair of the North America and Caribbean region of the International Council for Educators of People with Visual impairment (ICEVI) as well as the past Chair of the Canadian Association of Educational Resource Centres for Alternate Format Materials (CAER). He is also currently on the BLC Teaching and Learning Committee. Through these roles he has relished the opportunity to work with and learn from colleagues from across Canada and internationally while contributing to meaningful change in the community.
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