Programs & Services
April 17, 2021 Workshop: Let's Talk About it: Braille, Adulthood and Aging

Date : Saturday, April 17, 2021
Time : 1:00 PM (EST)
Betty Nobel, Chair of the BLC Teaching and Learning committee, will sit down with BLC President Dr. Natalie Martiniello for a lively discussion about her research on braille, adulthood and aging and the practical implications that this work carries for the teaching and learning of braille in adulthood.
Participants who attend this workshop will learn:
- How adult braille learners differ from children, and the practical implications of these differences;
- The impact of aging on braille reading ability and how to design training programs that reflect this knowledge;
- What barriers are encountered by adult and senior braille learners and how to address these barriers;
- What factors influence braille reading ability in adulthood, and the unique role of emerging braille technologies within this context
Throughout this conversation, an emphasis will be placed on the major takeaways of findings for practitioners, policymakers, and adult braille users. Regardless of who you are in the braille community, there will be something for you to take from this discussion!
This workshop is free for BLC members (and members of BLC corporate affiliates), and $20.00 for non-members. A personal membership costs $20.00 per year and provides free access to all of our regular bi-monthly scheduled workshops. See for more information!