Did you know?

In the world of vision loss, the invention of braille must be compared to the invention of the printing press – its birth was nothing short of a revolution.

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Welcome to Braille Literacy Canada

For many Canadians who are blind or visually impaired, braille is the key to literacy and independence. Braille is for the blind, what print is for the sighted. To that end, Braille Literacy Canada promotes the use and availability of braille in Canada, and strives to ensure that all Canadians have equal access to information -- including those who are blind or who are experiencing sight loss.

Upcoming Workshops


Now Accepting Applications

Edie Mourre Scholarship

Funding to Assist with French Braille Book Acquisition

Who We Are

Braille Literacy Canada is a registered charity dedicated to the promotion of braille as the primary medium of literacy for those who are blind or visually impaired. We represent and serve the needs of:

  • Braille readers, including those who are learning who would like to learn
  • Parents of blind and visually impaired braille-reading children
  • Classroom educators and specialized teachers of the visually impaired
  • Rehabilitation professionals serving adult learners
  • Braille producers, transcribers, and proofreading professionals

BLC is recognized by the International Council on English Braille (ICEB) as the authority for the development, adoption, and implementation of standards relating to (English) braille codes in Canada.


Brailler Bounce

Providing braillers to those in need

Braille Zoomers

Helping adult and senior learners of braille

Edie Mourre Scholarship

Supporting tomorrow's transcribers


Bringing the latest braille news to you

Workshop Series

Sharing resources and building your skills

UEB Discussion Listserv

Answering your questions about the UEB code