Programs & Services
November 20, 2021 Workshop: Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Braille Literacy Materials

Date : Saturday, November 20, 2021
Time : 1:00 PM (EST)
In late 2020, the Braille Authority of North America released new Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille.
From the BANA site:
The purpose of these guidelines is to provide directions for the transcription and formatting of early literacy materials (kindergarten through third grade), including materials to be discarded after use, for primary readers. These guidelines apply to the transcription of both contracted and uncontracted braille.
We are so fortunate to have Bonnie Read, one of the lead authors of these guidelines, deliver this timely presentation.
Bonnie Read has been providing braille services for Saskatchewan students since 1984. She holds certification as a braille transcriber in literary and technical materials. She also has Nemeth certification, and an Instructors certification for literary and technical transcription. She is no longer transcribing for the Saskatchewan Alternate Format Material Library but continues to provide transcription services for the National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS). She has presented many workshops focusing on braille transcription at the Toronto CNIB Braille Conferences. Bonnie served on BANA's Early Literacy Materials Production committee from 2007-2010 and chaired the committee in 2020. She also currently sits on the Board of Directors of California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI).