Programs & Services
September 28, 2019 Workshop: Formatting Documents Using Refreshable Braille Displays
Date : Saturday, September 28, 2019
Time : 1:00 PM (EST)
Document formatting is essential! Whether it’s a school report or culminating thesis, a resume or other professional document, or a letter advocating for a cause important to you, formatting is important. For those who are blind or have low vision, a braille display can provide greater access to formatting information and make fine-tuning document formatting easier. This teleconference will focus on how to format a document, from the basics to the advanced. More specifically, we will discuss how a braille display can help with this task.
The teleconference will cover topics such as:
- Braille display functions and settings;
- Various ways to select and format text;
- Text style, headings, font, and paragraph formatting;
- Checking spelling and grammar to correct errors; and
- Verifying and checking that formatting is correct.
If you’re new to formatting documents with a screen reader and are wondering how a braille display can make this task easier, this teleconference is for you. If you’re a teacher of students with visual impairments or an assistive technology instructor, this teleconference will provide you with excellent tools and tips to help your students compete with their sighted peers.